Cracking the Code of Anxiety

It’s not easy when life has been throwing you curveballs and anxiety's got a front-row seat on the rollercoaster ride of your mind.  Anxiety is like an unwanted passenger in your car, backseat driving and distracting you when you’re trying to navigate your daily life. 

Mastering Anxiety | Unlocking the Secrets to Calm | Zelle Straight | Therapy & Coaching

What you resist persists.

You're likely the go-to problem-solver at work and the generous giver in your relationships.

Keeping your moody boss happy, tending to your needy mother’s incessant requests, and all the one-sided giving to your significant other is downright exhausting.

Your relationships may feel like a high-wire act—too much pleasing and performing— without a safety net for opening up and expressing what you really feel and want.

Numbing your intense emotions with binge-eating… popping THC gummies… vaping… internet surfing or Netflix marathon-watching… can only get you so far for so long.

Sure it helps you manage your difficult feelings but…

Breaking Free from Anxiety | Empowering Yourself for Change | Zelle Straight | Therapy & Coaching

You may spend a LOT of energy trying to process or push down difficult emotions. You may easily be taken off track with emotional triggers.

Things are going just fine, but then that one phone call from your mother interrupting you at work for a third time asking if you’ve looked at her photos yet sets you off.

You wonder what it would be like to have a day without the intrusion of anxiety, triggers, and  worries about whether your boss, coworker, or significant other is unhappy with you.

You wonder what it would be like to feel like you didn’t have to constantly fix things—for other people, but also inside yourself.

You wonder what happiness… inner peace... fulfillment—beyond just a fleeting moment on a fleetingly good hour—even looks like. Is it even possible?

Understanding Anxiety | Your Path to Emotional Wellness | Zelle Straight | Therapy & Coaching

let’s get to the heart of the matter and resolve it once and for all…

In our work together, we'll get to the root of what’s driving your anxiety so that we can resolve it. We'll look behind the curtain of your heart and mind and uncover the emotions that have been taking center stage, running the show, while you sit in the wings waiting to feel better.

With the wisdom of neuroscience and a toolbox of practical strategies, I’ll help you reign in your racing thoughts, reduce your emotional triggers, and feel calmer and more secure.

You’ll develop the inner strength to speak up about your needs, leading to increased feelings of confidence and inner authority in your life. 

You’ll develop the ability to set boundaries with your boss, say no to the energy vampires in your family, and take a stand for your needs with your significant other. You’ll be empowered to create what you really want in life.

free yourself from anxiety

free yourself from anxiety

Once you’re free from anxiety’s grip, you’ll wake up with more clarity and purpose. You’ll feel confident in your strengths and show up more authentically.

You’ll feel more trust in your relationships.

You’ll start setting boundaries with unhealthy people, and start attracting healthier relationships, where you’re seen, understood, can be the real you, and have your needs met.

Instead of escaping your emotions with numbing behaviors, you'll find healthy ways to process your feelings and cope with stress.

it’s time for a new story

Taming Anxiety: Your Roadmap to Emotional Freedom | Zelle Straight | Therapy & Coaching

It's time to flip the script of anxiety with a new narrative where you’re empowered to feel good, speak up for what you need, and create the outcomes you want.

All individual therapy is done virtually from the comfort of your home, saving you travel time and extra effort.

I do individual therapy only with people in the state of Georgia and New York State. If you’re outside those states and would like to work together in a similar capacity, see my coaching page here.


Book your free consultation call with me

Book your free consultation call with me